Carissa Moore on Ambition, Self-Worth, and Leading With Love

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Carissa Moore’s accomplishments, both in and out of the waves, are nothing short of remarkable — from winning 5 world titles and becoming an Olympic gold medalist to founding her own non-profit. But, as Carissa shared in our conversation, the ambition that has carried her to where she is now has often kept her from slowing down enough to “smell the roses” and enjoy the satisfaction of her achievements. Going forward with her competitive surfing, she is focusing on the process rather than the outcome and keeping surfing about having fun.

Carissa also spoke of the responsibility she feels as a leader in women’s surfing, a representative of Hawaiian culture, and someone with broad influence. She takes this responsibility to heart as a competitor by sharing both the highs and lows of competition and using her social media platform to show her humanity in a relatable and realistic way. She honors her native Hawaiian culture and heritage by surfing for her people and leading with love.

“When you lead with love you’re thinking of not only yourself but of everyone and everything around you. When you do that you can’t really go wrong and you leave the world a little bit brighter and more positive everywhere you go.”

Carissa’s calling to leave the world a better place inspired her to found Moore Aloha, a non-profit that uses surfing and the values of aloha to “help women and girls navigate their mental wellness and live a life of passion and purpose.” She continues to channel her passion and talent for surfing and her attitude of aloha towards elevating women’s surfing and paving the way for its continued progression. 


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